
  • 능률 실용영어I 5과 본문 빈칸넣기 (서술형 평가 대비)
    영어 교과서 본문 빈칸넣기/(고) 능률 실용영어I 2016. 11. 23. 18:29

    능률 실용영어I 5과 본문 빈칸넣기 입니다. 서술형 평가 대비용으로 만들었어요.


    핸드폰에서는 빈칸을 터치해서 답을 볼 수 있어요. 한번에 하나만 보여요. 화면은 옆으로 돌려서 보시길 권해요. 세로로 보면 좀 좁아서 문장이 잘 읽히지 않아요.


    PC에서는 빈칸에 마우스를 올리면 답을 볼 수 있어요.


    내신 준비 잘하세요~


    능률 실용영어I 5과 본문 빈칸넣기

    Chirpy: The Lovable Lovebird

    One summer day when I was walking to the Cape Town Community Center after school, I heard chirping coming from a tree. It wasn’t the happy kind of chirping that I was used to hearing; it sounded like a call for help. I walked over and looked under the tree to find a small red and yellow baby lovebird. It must have fallen out of its nest. It had an injured wing and was not able to move at all. I picked it up carefully, holding it in my hands, and carried it over to the community center.

    I showed the bird to the receptionist, and we decided to take it to an animal hospital. The veterinarian there wrapped the bird’s wing in a bandage and said that it needed to be taken care of until it could fly again. My mom wouldn’t let me take it home, so the receptionist got permission to keep it at the community center. I began to visit the center every day after school to help take care of the baby bird. We decided to name the bird Chirpy after the calls that led to his rescue and the happy chirping sounds he made to thank us for our care.

    Since Chirpy’s cage stood right next to the receptionist’s desk, he began to get attention from everyone who came into the center. Many visitors started volunteering to help us feed him and clean his cage. As Chirpy got better, he quickly became the perfect addition to the community. After a few weeks of training, he learned to greet everyone who came in with a cheerful “Hi,” and once he was able to fly, he would land on people’s hands or shoulders and let them pet him. When Chirpy’s wing had fully recovered, we took him outside and set him free. A lot of people gathered to see him off. Many of us were sad that we would never see him again. However, Chirpy didn’t go away. He kept flying back to us day after day.

    Many of the people who came to the center were going through difficult times. The center provided services for the unemployed, troubled children and lonely older people. Chirpy brought hope into these people’s lives. They identified with his story. He had fallen out of his nest and almost died, but his life turned around for the better when he was rescued. Seeing him made people believe that things were going to turn around for them, too.

    Chirpy became an important part of the community center. When he greeted the elderly visitors or sat on their shoulders, they felt as though they were spending time with a loving friend. Children loved Chirpy, too. He made shy, troubled children feel happier and more comfortable at the center. Chirpy would jump onto one of their hands and let them lightly pet his soft feathers. Amazingly, Chirpy even helped some children improve their reading. When they were too shy to read out loud to other people, they practiced reading to Chirpy first. They felt more comfortable reading to him; he was always happy to listen and they knew that he wouldn’t judge them for reading too slowly or making mistakes. This helped them build confidence.

    Chirpy gave everyone at the center a sense of togetherness that was stronger than it had ever been before. The new hope and happiness spread throughout the town. We even started to have weekly town dinners at the community center. This had never happened before, and I believe it was all thanks to that small bird.

    After I left for university in another region, I didn’t see Chirpy again, but from time to time, I thought of him. Chirpy had a lot of personality packed into a small body. It was amazing how thrilled this little bird was to play and spend time with people. When I look back at the time I spent with him, it seems to me that the relationships we build with animals are a lot more meaningful than we often think. I will always remember Chirpy as the lovable bird that brought happiness to everyone he met.



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